PHSG Student and Class of the Week!
Student of the Week: Jennifer, 11A. Superb work on volumes of spheres, cones and pyramids in Miss Roughton's class. Awarded 10 House points!
Class of the Week: Mrs Carter's year 13 French class. For working so hard, during Zoom lessons and at home, despite the difficult circumstances.
Other Nominations:
Student of the week
Alanis, Year 10. ''For being a great electrician'' in Mr Thackery's science class; awarded 5 House points!
Issy, Year 8. ''For a really positive start to PE this year. Issy has become focused and has shown real maturity in her behaviour. Keep up the great work Issy'' nominated by Mrs Lawrence-Felton; awarded 5 House points!
Class of the week
Year 11 English Literature with Mrs Taylor. ''For some brilliant class debates.''
Year 7 Drama with Mrs Lawrence-Felton. ''For a marvellous start to the year within Drama. Some excellent group work, their potential to become fantastic excites me!''
Year 10 PE with Mrs Alford. ''For their excellent effort and work rate in today's football lesson. Excellence from ALL.''