PHSG celebrating the Arts
Last week PHSG will be taking part TSArT's week. This is a trust wide campaign to encourage students and staff across the Trust to celebrate and immerse themselves in the Arts.
Monday Marks: 2D marking Mark's with marks, on the astro area.
Tuesday Words: Word play in the Library.
Wednesday Images: Head Student Team Logo and Branding Quiz.
Thursday Moves: Netball coaching and table tennis.
Friday Sounds: Learning the School Song, in homage to our 150th Birthday Celebration.
The week kicked off with our Art Team, who hosted a workshop based around marks. Earlier in the term, students voted for their three favourite 'Mark' personalities; Mark Ruffallo, Mark Hamill and Mark Iplier were the chosen Marks.
Students then used different mediums to create their Marks, using marks to make their marks!
We finished the week with our 'Old Girl's', who are now esteemed colleagues, teaching the students the PHSG School Song. The School song was created in 1928 under the Headship of Miss Potter. There have been many versions over the years, with the latest version having been abolished in the 1990’s.
The song was learnt as part of School Music lessons. Do we think we should bring it back?