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Sparx Silent Superstars

On Friday last week, the English department and the Library team had the pleasure of celebrating over 130 students from KS3 for their hard work and consistent effort in Sparx Reader. In amongst these silent superstars, we also celebrated the top ten library borrowers throughout the whole year.

We at Plymouth High are passionate about reading and encouraging reading for pleasure across the whole community, across all subjects. Our reading program this year has been an opportunity for all students to engage with a wide variety of texts - fiction and non-fiction – in a way that opens up new worlds and opportunities.

It was a joy to celebrate those students who quietly complete all their work, on time, all the time. We are so proud of our keen readers, and we wanted to make them feel especially valued for their diligence.

Each student who was nominated received achievement points, a commemorative badge and, perhaps most excitingly, ice lollies!  

Congratulations to you all.

Happy reading,

The English department and the Library team.