Duke of Edinburgh Update

Urgent reminder - DofE Expedition Deadlines are imminent!
The Year 9 Bronze, Year 10 and 11 Silver expedition payment deadline of Thursday 1st April is nearly upon us. Following previous announcements and correspondance over the past 6 months or so, all students taking part in Bronze or Silver DofE need to ensure that they have made arrangements with parents to pay the expedition fee (£99 for Bronze and £149 for Silver) on ParentPay by this deadline. In order to organise expeditions effectively, it is important that this deadline is adhered to. Only students who have paid the expedition fee will be included in the expedition team lists which will be published after Easter. As has been mentioned previously, financial support is available for those students that may qualify. Any students/parents who feel that they fall into this category need to contact me before the 1st April deadline to discuss if support can be offered.
Volunteering, Physical and Skill activity section progress.
This will be checked to ensure that sufficient progress has been made before the expedition dates to enable students to be permitted to attend the expeditions. At Bronze, students should have completed their two 3 month activity sections and be well on their way to completing their one 6 month activity section. At Year 10 Silver, students should have completed their one 3 month section and be well on their way to completing the two 6 month sections. At Year 11 Silver, students should have completed all three of their activity sections. There will be a degree of flexibility with these expectations with each case being treated on its merits. However, if it is obvious that progress is insufficient then students will not be permitted to attend this year's expeditions.
Most students have returned completed expedition consent forms. However, there are still a number outstanding. These students have been emailed to remind them to complete and return their consent forms. Anyone not returning their completed consent form by 1st April will not be permitted to attend the expeditions.
Lunchtime Expedition Training.
An essential part of the expedition training is to attend a number of lunchtime training sessions. These sessions will run at various times from March onwards and are compulsory as they are part of the training required to safely complete the expeditions. A register of attendance is taken at these sessions. Non-attendance at these training sessions will jeopardize a students place on the actual expeditions.
Mr Payne - DofE Manager