Oxford versus Cambridge, it's decision time for Lauren.
Over the Summer, Lauren H in year 13 had the privilege of being invited to Exeter College, Oxford and Downing College, Cambridge due to her academic aptitude.
At Exeter College, Oxford, she was one of four invited to the Applicant Day, where she received a tour of both campuses of the college, as well as touring the beautiful city of Oxford. She also received some exclusive tips and tricks on how to nail her university application, as well as excelling in the LNAT exam.
“Spending a day at Exeter College, Oxford dispelled many stigmas I had about attending a highly selective university.”
At Downing College, Cambridge, she went on a two-day residential, where she experienced the amazing accommodation, food and other amenities. Lauren also participated in jam-packed days full of presentations and activities that both gave her more insight into Cambridge’s application process and provided the opportunity for her to experience an area she’s never been to before.
“Coming from a disadvantaged background usually means I am at a loss when it comes to being exposed to university life in general, and the applications process. I am so grateful to have the chance to take part in this residential at Downing College, Cambridge and the Applicant Day at Exeter College, Oxford.”
We are absolutely delighted for Lauren and could not be prouder. All of our students work so hard to fulfil their goals and ambitions, and we will continue to do all we can to support and guide them all down their chosen paths. We are so pleased that the years of hard work, determination and resilience has paid off for Lauren, we wish you good luck with your application, we have everything crossed for you!