Ukraine Christmas Shoebox Appeal
This year, PHSG will be supporting the Ukraine Christmas Shoebox Appeal, where we will be collecting boxes on behalf 'UKkyi Bear, Devon to Ukraine' group who have teamed up with the 'Na Hvili Krainy' foundation based in Lviv, Ukraine. Along with humanitarian aid, the boxes will be delivered to families in the Kharkiv region of Ukraine, in time for Christmas.
If you would like to donate a filled box, please see below the posters with information on the appeal and suggested items to include. Please ensure that you read the 'checklist for all boxes' section.
Please hand in the boxes to PHSG reception. The deadline for boxes to be handed into PHSG will be Friday 18th November as this is when they will be collected from the school in order to make the departure date.
Thank you to our PHSG community in supporting such a worthy cause.