PHSG students vote in the Youth Parliament elections 2023
Today, PHSG students took to the polling stations to cast their vote to elect the next candidates for the 2023 'Make your Mark' Youth Parliament, which is run through Plymouth City Council.
This year, the voting was held a little differently. Voting booths were put in our Newman Hall to simulate to the students the set up and process of visiting actual polling station on Government Election days.
The students were able to watch the proposed campaigns from each of the candidates then made the decision on who they would vote for. They were issued with a ballot paper and filed into the voting booths to mark their decision before posting it into the ballot box.
Ava said:
It was a good experience going to the booth to make my decision, and I now know what to expect when I am able to vote for future governments.
What is the Youth Parliament?
Plymouth Youth Parliament enables young people aged 11-18 years across the City of Plymouth to come together once a week to enable us to use our energy and passion to change the world for the better.
Plymouth's students will elect two Members and two Deputy Members of Youth Parliament, which takes place every February. Candidates campaign on an issue important to them such as mental health awareness or job opportunities. Elections are then held in all secondary schools and colleges across the City and young people vote for whom they would like to be their new representatives for the year.
For more information on Youth Parliament and how to get involved, please visit their website here.
PHSG Candidates
We are delighted that Sofia, Year 12, has made it into the top 7 shortlisted candidates, with her campaign on 'Tackling Violence against Young Women.' Sofia was also elected last year with her campaign regarding 'Women's Safety and Gender Equalities', so she is experienced in the campaigning journey and we are hoping she has the same success this year. Good Luck Sofia!