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Students at Plymouth High School for Girls are celebrating after opening their GCSE results

Students and staff at Plymouth High School for Girls are celebrating after receiving their GCSE results today. 

Plymouth High is pleased to see another year of strong results. After two years of hard work and dedication our students should be proud of their achievements.  Students and staff have worked incredibly hard throughout their GCSE courses and have been rewarded with some outstanding grades.  We are tremendously proud of year 11, they have shown resilience and determination over their time at Plymouth High and it was wonderful to share in their success with them today.  

Whilst the school is proud of all of our students and their achievements, there are some students who performed exceptionally.

Lara Botha, Zara Couchman and Kitty Harland each achieved an amazing 8 grade 9s, whilst Frankie Baldry, Adele Boumphrey, Laura Harajarvi, Sophie Hutchings and Holly Whitehouse all achieved at least 6 grade 9s. To perform at such a high level across so many subject areas is truly impressive.  

Most of our students have decided to stay at Plymouth High for their A level study, whilst some will be accessing a wide range of post 16 courses elsewhere. It is wonderful to see our students following their dreams and interests and choosing courses that match their skills and ambitions. It has been a pleasure for staff at the school to work with our exceptional young people over the course of their GCSE study and we wish them the very best for their future.
Collecting their results today, Jessica said: “I’m really chuffed and surprised with the results, I got two 8’s!”  

Adele said: “I’m really pleased with my results and glad that my hard work paid off. I’m looking forward to starting Sixth Form at Plymouth High.”  

Zara said: “I feel overwhelmed. I’m proud of myself for working hard. I’m doing biology, drama, psychology and German at Plymouth High in September. Well done everyone!” 

Frankie said: “Thank you to all my teachers that helped me. I am just really happy!”

Simon Underdown, Headteacher at Plymouth High, said: “I am tremendously proud of year 11. They have worked hard, shown real resilience and contributed so positively to the life of the school setting a good example for those that follow them. It has been a pleasure working with these talented and kind young people and a joy to see them preparing for their ‘next steps’ study."

“I very much look forward to seeing just how well year 11 perform in their courses next year and am sure that they will give of their best.” 

“A huge thank you to our wonderful team of staff, families and community for supporting our students to achieve such excellent outcomes. Year 11 have involved themselves fully in the life of the school and very much embody our motto, for life not school we learn.”

“We wish year 11 success and happiness in whatever they choose to do and know that they will continue to make a positive contribution wherever they are.  A huge well done from everyone at PHSG, thank you year 11.”