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Student and Class of the week

Student of the week: Princess, 7A. ''For their exceptional performance in chemistry experiments. They not only excelled in safety and teamwork but also volunteered to organise equipment during lunch to assist the teacher and science technician. They then gave a motivating talk to peers about responsible conduct showing great leadership skills'' Nomimated by Miss Cook.
Also nominated by by Mrs Brown: ''She is always the first to put herself forward to help other students and teachers.  She participates in a wide range of extra-curricular competitions and activities and is always encouraging others to do so as well.  She really exemplifies PHSG spirit!'' Well done Princess! Awarded 10 House points.
Class of the week: U15 Indoor Cricket Team. ''They beat DHSG and 3 other teams in the Plymouth round to qualify for the county finals. They played so well and despite being a mix of year 9s and 10s, they got to know each other during the tournament and were really supportive of each other.'' Nominated by Mrs Luscombe. 

Other nominations:

Class of the week:

9K History Class with Mrs Tomalin ''For amazing focus during an assessment preparation lesson in History, the assessment itself and getting amazing results on the assessment.''.