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Term dates & KS3,4 5 overview

Calendar Term Dates 2024-2025



4th September (Year 7 & 12 only)

5th September (All Year Groups)

17th October 

Autumn Half Term 21st October 1st November 


5th November

20th December

Christmas Holidays 23rd December 3rd January


6th January

14th February 

Spring Half term 17th February  21st February


24th February

4th April

Easter Holidays 7th April 21st April


22nd April

23rd May

Summer Half term 26th May  30th May


2nd June

23rd July 

Summer Holidays 24th July 

3rd September (Year 7 & 12 only)

4th September (All Year Groups)


Curriculum Enrichment Week

7th- 11th July


Non Pupil Days

3rd September

18th October

4th November

5th May 2025 (Bank Holiday).

24th July 2025

25th July 2025

Click here to view term dates for 2025 - 2026


Timings of the School Day

08.40 Registration
08.50 - 09.05 Assembly / Form Period
09.05 - 10.05 Period 1
10.05 - 11.05 Period 2
11.05 - 11.30 Break
11.30 - 12.30 Period 3
12.30 - 13.30 Period 4
13.30 - 14.30 Lunch
14.30 - 15.30 Period 5

School Reception opens at 8am and closes at 4pm, Monday to Friday, term time only.

This will amount to 40 hours in a typical week.

Key Dates for Year 7 2023-2024

w/c 9th September: Year 7 Team Building Event

15th October: Year 7 Zoo Trip

2nd December: Flu Immunisation

12th & 17th December: Christmas Lunch

6th March: World Book Day

27th March:  Year 7 Theatre Trip

8th May: KS3 Drama Trip

19th - 23rd May: KS3 End of year Exams

5th June: Year 7 Parents Evening, First Evening (online by appointment)

11th June: Swimming Gala 

12th June: Year 7 Parents Evening, Second Evening (online by appointment)

w/c 23rd June: TSArT's Week

w/c 7th July: Curriculum Enrichment Week 

15th July: Sports Day

Key Dates for Year 8 2023-2024

9th October Year 8 Awards Afternoon

5th-8th November: Year 8 Science Trip 

2nd December: Flu Immunisation

12th & 17th December: Christmas Lunch

6th March: World Book Day

20th March: Year 8 Parents Evening, First Evening (online by appointment)

27th March: Year 8 Theatre trip

27th March: Year 8 Parents Evening, Second Evening (online by appointment)

8th May: KS3 Drama Trip

19th - 23rd May: KS3 End of year Exams

11th June: Swimming Gala 

w/c 23rd June: TSArT's Week

w/c 7th July: Curriculum Enrichment Week 

14th July: Year 8 Science Trip to Bristol

15th July: Sports Day

Key Dates for Year 9 2023-2024

9th October: Year 9 Awards Afternoon

18th November: House Team Launch

26th November: House Team Deadline

28th November: Year 9 Theatre trip

29th November: House Team Interviews

2nd December: Flu Immunisation

12th & 17th December: Christmas Lunch

16th January: Year 9 Options Evening (4.30pm - 6.15pm)

23rd January: Year 9 Parents Evening, First Evening (online by appointment)

30th January: Year 9 Parents Evening, Second Evening (online by appointment)

6th February: Year 9 Options Deadline

6th March: World Book Day

8th May: KS3 Drama Trip

19th - 23rd May: KS3 End of year Exams

11th June: Swimming Gala 

12th June: Year. 9 History Trip (TBC)

w/c 16th June: Year 9 Science Trip (Day TBC)

w/c 23rd June: TSArT's Week

w/c 7th July: Curriculum Enrichment Week 

15th July: Sports Day

Key Dates for Year 10 2023-2024

w/c 16th September: Year 10 Art Trip (Day TBC)

24th September: Year 10 Sports Leader Event

25th September: Year 10 Expectations Evening (4.30pm - 5.30pm)

16th October: Year 10 Awards Afternoon

28th November: Theatre Trip

2nd December: Flu Immunisation

5th December: KS4 & KS5 Drama Trip

12th & 17th December: Christmas Lunch

28th January: Year 10 Art Eden Project Trip

6th March: World Book Day

w/c 17th March: Year 10 Drama Practical Exam (Day TBC)

21st March: Year 10 History Trip 

27th March: Theatre Trip

24th April: Year 10 Parents Evening, First Evening (online by appointment)

1st June: Year 10 Parents Evening, Second Evening (online by appointment)

8th June: Year 10 Revision Evening (4pm - 5.30pm)

w/c 2nd June: Year 10 Geography Field Trip (Day TBC)

11th June: Swimming Gala 

13th June: End of Year Art Mocks

16th - 27th June: End of Year 10 Exams

w/c 23rd June: TSArT's Week

w/c 7th July: Work Experience Week

15th July: Sports Day

Key Dates for Year 11 2023- 2024

12th September: Year 11 Theatre Trip

3rd October: Year 11 GCSE Drama Trip

10th October: Year 11 Parents Evening, First Evening (online by appointment)

16th October: Year 11 Awards Afternoon

17th October: Year 11 Parents Evening, Second Evening (online by appointment)

7th November: Sixth Form Open Evening (4.30pm-6.30pm)

15th November: GCSE PE Mocks

18th November: GCSE Drama Mocks

19th November - 29th November: Year 11 Mocks

25th November - 29th November: Year 11 MFL Orals

2nd December - 3rd December: Year 11 GCSE Art Mocks

2nd December: Flu Immunisation

4th December: Year 11 Drama Practical Mocks

5th December: KS4 & KS5 Drama Trip

12th & 17th December: Christmas Lunch

7th - 10th January: Year 11 Taster Lessons for KS5

14th January: Year 11 Interviews

21st January: Year 11 Mock Results Event. Library 3.00pm

24th January: Year 11, Sixth Form Options deadline

31st January: Year 11 Eden Project Trip

w/c 24th February: Year 11 into Year 12 interviews

6th March: World Book Day

28th & 29th April: GCSE Art exam

7th May: Year 11 Celebration Day

12th May: GCSE external exams begin

14th May: Year 11 Theatre Trip

1st July: Year 11 Prom

Dates TBC: Final Celebration Day 

Key Dates for Year 12 2023-2024

11th September: Expectations Evening (4.30pm-5.30pm)

26th September: KS5 Physics Trip

4th October: Subject Trial Period ends

11th October: KS5 Art trip 

14th October: HST Launch

8th November: HST Application Deadline

15th November: HST Interviews

3rd November: Year 12 Trip to London

13th November: Year 12 Learning to Live Event

18th November: House Team Launch

26th November: House Team Deadline

29th November: House Team Interviews

12th & 17th December: Christmas Lunch

25th February: KS5 Healthcare visit to London

27th February: Year 12 Parents Evening, (online by appointment)

6th March: World Book Day

w/c 10th March: Year 12 Geography Field Trip

2nd April - Exeter University Visit

22nd April - 1st May: Year 12 Mocks

6th & 7th June: Year 12 Art Mocks

12th & 13th May: Year 12 Drama Practical Exam

14th May: Year 12 Theatre Trip

11th June: Swimming Gala

w/c 23th June: TSArT's Week

25th -26th June: Year 12 Biology Trip (Day TBC)

w/c 7th July: Curriculum Enrichment Week 

15th July: Sports Day

Key Dates for Year 13 2023-2024

20th September: Year 13 Reference deadline

3rd October: Year 13 A Level Drama Trip

11th October: KS5 Art trip 

14th November: Year 13 Parents Evening, (online by appointment)

5th December: Year 13 Drama Trip

12th & 17th December: Christmas Lunch

7th - 17th January: Year 13 Mocks

20th - 22th January: Year 13 Art Mocks

31st January: Year 13 Eden Project Trip

6th February: Year 13 Mock Results Event. Library 3.00pm

4th February: Year 13 wellbeing event (In lessons for P1 & P2 only)

25th February: KS5 Healthcare visit to London

6th March: World Book Day

31st March: Y13 RE Trip

30th April - 2nd May: Year 13 Art Exam

21st May: A Level exams begin

Year 13 Prom TBC