Term dates & KS3,4 5 overview
Calendar Term Dates 2024-2025
Term |
Starts |
Ends |
One |
4th September (Year 7 & 12 only) 5th September (All Year Groups) |
17th October |
Autumn Half Term | 21st October | 1st November |
Two |
5th November |
20th December |
Christmas Holidays | 23rd December | 3rd January |
Three |
6th January |
14th February |
Spring Half term | 17th February | 21st February |
Four |
24th February |
4th April |
Easter Holidays | 7th April | 21st April |
Five |
22nd April |
23rd May |
Summer Half term | 26th May | 30th May |
Six |
2nd June |
23rd July |
Summer Holidays | 24th July |
3rd September (Year 7 & 12 only) 4th September (All Year Groups) |
Curriculum Enrichment Week
7th- 11th July
Non Pupil Days
3rd September
18th October
4th November
5th May 2025 (Bank Holiday).
24th July 2025
25th July 2025
Click here to view term dates for 2025 - 2026
Timings of the School Day
08.40 | Registration |
08.50 - 09.05 | Assembly / Form Period |
09.05 - 10.05 | Period 1 |
10.05 - 11.05 | Period 2 |
11.05 - 11.30 | Break |
11.30 - 12.30 | Period 3 |
12.30 - 13.30 | Period 4 |
13.30 - 14.30 | Lunch |
14.30 - 15.30 | Period 5 |
School Reception opens at 8am and closes at 4pm, Monday to Friday, term time only.
This will amount to 40 hours in a typical week.
Key Dates for Year 7 2023-2024
w/c 9th September: Year 7 Team Building Event
15th October: Year 7 Zoo Trip
2nd December: Flu Immunisation
12th & 17th December: Christmas Lunch
6th March: World Book Day
27th March: Year 7 Theatre Trip
8th May: KS3 Drama Trip
19th - 23rd May: KS3 End of year Exams
5th June: Year 7 Parents Evening, First Evening (online by appointment)
11th June: Swimming Gala
12th June: Year 7 Parents Evening, Second Evening (online by appointment)
w/c 23rd June: TSArT's Week
w/c 7th July: Curriculum Enrichment Week
15th July: Sports Day
Key Dates for Year 8 2023-2024
9th October Year 8 Awards Afternoon
5th-8th November: Year 8 Science Trip
2nd December: Flu Immunisation
12th & 17th December: Christmas Lunch
6th March: World Book Day
20th March: Year 8 Parents Evening, First Evening (online by appointment)
27th March: Year 8 Theatre trip
27th March: Year 8 Parents Evening, Second Evening (online by appointment)
8th May: KS3 Drama Trip
19th - 23rd May: KS3 End of year Exams
11th June: Swimming Gala
w/c 23rd June: TSArT's Week
w/c 7th July: Curriculum Enrichment Week
14th July: Year 8 Science Trip to Bristol
15th July: Sports Day
Key Dates for Year 9 2023-2024
9th October: Year 9 Awards Afternoon
18th November: House Team Launch
26th November: House Team Deadline
28th November: Year 9 Theatre trip
29th November: House Team Interviews
2nd December: Flu Immunisation
12th & 17th December: Christmas Lunch
16th January: Year 9 Options Evening (4.30pm - 6.15pm)
23rd January: Year 9 Parents Evening, First Evening (online by appointment)
30th January: Year 9 Parents Evening, Second Evening (online by appointment)
6th February: Year 9 Options Deadline
6th March: World Book Day
8th May: KS3 Drama Trip
19th - 23rd May: KS3 End of year Exams
11th June: Swimming Gala
12th June: Year. 9 History Trip (TBC)
w/c 16th June: Year 9 Science Trip (Day TBC)
w/c 23rd June: TSArT's Week
w/c 7th July: Curriculum Enrichment Week
15th July: Sports Day
Key Dates for Year 10 2023-2024
w/c 16th September: Year 10 Art Trip (Day TBC)
24th September: Year 10 Sports Leader Event
25th September: Year 10 Expectations Evening (4.30pm - 5.30pm)
16th October: Year 10 Awards Afternoon
28th November: Theatre Trip
2nd December: Flu Immunisation
5th December: KS4 & KS5 Drama Trip
12th & 17th December: Christmas Lunch
28th January: Year 10 Art Eden Project Trip
6th March: World Book Day
w/c 17th March: Year 10 Drama Practical Exam (Day TBC)
21st March: Year 10 History Trip
27th March: Theatre Trip
24th April: Year 10 Parents Evening, First Evening (online by appointment)
1st June: Year 10 Parents Evening, Second Evening (online by appointment)
8th June: Year 10 Revision Evening (4pm - 5.30pm)
w/c 2nd June: Year 10 Geography Field Trip (Day TBC)
11th June: Swimming Gala
13th June: End of Year Art Mocks
16th - 27th June: End of Year 10 Exams
w/c 23rd June: TSArT's Week
w/c 7th July: Work Experience Week
15th July: Sports Day
Key Dates for Year 11 2023- 2024
12th September: Year 11 Theatre Trip
3rd October: Year 11 GCSE Drama Trip
10th October: Year 11 Parents Evening, First Evening (online by appointment)
16th October: Year 11 Awards Afternoon
17th October: Year 11 Parents Evening, Second Evening (online by appointment)
7th November: Sixth Form Open Evening (4.30pm-6.30pm)
15th November: GCSE PE Mocks
18th November: GCSE Drama Mocks
19th November - 29th November: Year 11 Mocks
25th November - 29th November: Year 11 MFL Orals
2nd December - 3rd December: Year 11 GCSE Art Mocks
2nd December: Flu Immunisation
4th December: Year 11 Drama Practical Mocks
5th December: KS4 & KS5 Drama Trip
12th & 17th December: Christmas Lunch
7th - 10th January: Year 11 Taster Lessons for KS5
14th January: Year 11 Interviews
21st January: Year 11 Mock Results Event. Library 3.00pm
24th January: Year 11, Sixth Form Options deadline
31st January: Year 11 Eden Project Trip
w/c 24th February: Year 11 into Year 12 interviews
6th March: World Book Day
28th & 29th April: GCSE Art exam
7th May: Year 11 Celebration Day
12th May: GCSE external exams begin
14th May: Year 11 Theatre Trip
1st July: Year 11 Prom
Dates TBC: Final Celebration Day
Key Dates for Year 12 2023-2024
11th September: Expectations Evening (4.30pm-5.30pm)
26th September: KS5 Physics Trip
4th October: Subject Trial Period ends
11th October: KS5 Art trip
14th October: HST Launch
8th November: HST Application Deadline
15th November: HST Interviews
3rd November: Year 12 Trip to London
13th November: Year 12 Learning to Live Event
18th November: House Team Launch
26th November: House Team Deadline
29th November: House Team Interviews
12th & 17th December: Christmas Lunch
25th February: KS5 Healthcare visit to London
27th February: Year 12 Parents Evening, (online by appointment)
6th March: World Book Day
w/c 10th March: Year 12 Geography Field Trip
2nd April - Exeter University Visit
22nd April - 1st May: Year 12 Mocks
6th & 7th June: Year 12 Art Mocks
12th & 13th May: Year 12 Drama Practical Exam
14th May: Year 12 Theatre Trip
11th June: Swimming Gala
w/c 23th June: TSArT's Week
25th -26th June: Year 12 Biology Trip (Day TBC)
w/c 7th July: Curriculum Enrichment Week
15th July: Sports Day
Key Dates for Year 13 2023-2024
20th September: Year 13 Reference deadline
3rd October: Year 13 A Level Drama Trip
11th October: KS5 Art trip
14th November: Year 13 Parents Evening, (online by appointment)
5th December: Year 13 Drama Trip
12th & 17th December: Christmas Lunch
7th - 17th January: Year 13 Mocks
20th - 22th January: Year 13 Art Mocks
31st January: Year 13 Eden Project Trip
6th February: Year 13 Mock Results Event. Library 3.00pm
4th February: Year 13 wellbeing event (In lessons for P1 & P2 only)
25th February: KS5 Healthcare visit to London
6th March: World Book Day
31st March: Y13 RE Trip
30th April - 2nd May: Year 13 Art Exam
21st May: A Level exams begin
Year 13 Prom TBC