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Timeline for 11+ Entry for September 2025




15 April 2024, 3pm

11+ Practice Session (Mock) registration opens.


This test is not compulsory.


Register directly on school website for a place at either PHSG or DHSG  (170 spaces available)  (170 spaces available)


Please do not register at both schools

22 April 2024

11+ registration opens


This is a compulsory test which your child will need to take to be able to qualify for a place at a Plymouth grammar school.

Register directly on school website for a place at either PHSG or DHSG

There is no limit on spaces for the real tests.

Please do not register at both schools

22 May 2024

11+ Practice Session (Mock) registration closes

May close sooner, if all places are filled (see above for numbers)

6 July 2024 - Saturday

11+ Practice Session (Mock) examination

Maths and English papers both together.  8am-12.30pm approximately

16 July 2024 - Tuesday

11+ Practice Session (Mock) examination results sent out

Results sent via email

31 August 2024, 12 Noon

11+ registration closes


6th September 2024

11+ information letter sent via email

Information about the exam days sent by email

14 September 2024 - Saturday

11+ test date 1

GL Assessment English comprehension (no writing)

21 September 2024 - Saturday

11+ test date 2

GL Assessment Maths

14 October 2024 - Monday

11+ test results sent out

Results sent via email

31 October 2024

Latest date to submit an application for a school place

Via Plymouth City Council website

3 March 2025

School place allocations notified.

This information will be sent directly from Plymouth City Council

Due to 1st March being a Saturday.

Timeline for 11+ Entry for September 2026

Accordion content




Tuesday 22 April 2025, 3pm

11+ Practice Session (Mock) registration opens.

This test is not compulsory.

Register directly on school website for a place at either Plymouth High School for Girls or DHSG  (170 spaces available)  (170 spaces available)

Please do not register at both schools

Monday 28 April 2025

11+ registration opens

This is for the real tests in September.

This is a compulsory test which your child will need to take to be able to qualify for a place at a Plymouth grammar school.

Register directly on school website for a place at either Plymouth High School for Girls or DHSG

There is not limit on spaces for the real tests.

Please do not register at both schools

Friday 23 May 2025

11+ Practice Session (Mock) registration closes

May close sooner, if all places are filled (see above for numbers)

5 July 2025 - Saturday

11+ Practice Session (Mock) examination

Maths and English papers both together.  8am-12.30pm approximately

18 July 2025 - Friday

11+ Practice Session (Mock) examination results sent out

Results sent via email

31 August 2025 - noon

11+ registration closes


Friday 5th September 2025

11+ information letter sent via email


13 September 2025 - Saturday

11+ test date 1

GL Assessment English comprehension

20 September 2025 - Saturday

11+ test date 2

GL Assessment Maths

17 October 2025 - Friday

11+ test results sent out

Results sent via email

31 October 2025

Latest date to submit an application for a school place

Via Plymouth City Council website

2 March 2026

School place allocations notified.

This information will be sent directly from Plymouth City Council

Due to 1st March being a Saturday.


Admission to Year 7 

Our main entry point is in the Autumn term for Year 7, although entry is possible to other year-groups or at other times of the school year, dependent on the availability of spaces.  

Admission to Plymouth High School for Girls is made through Plymouth City Council, on their website  

Pupils are selected through academic ability with all candidates required to sit the 11-plus examination.  The examination is designed to measure a child’s academic ability and determine whether they would be suited to a grammar school education. 

The 11-plus examinations assess your child’s academic ability by using GL Assessment English Comprehension and Mathematics paper. 

To apply for the 11-plus examination in September please see details further down this page.  

Plymouth High School’s published admission number (PAN) for Year 7 is 120. For the last few years, the school has received more applications than places available. There may be places available for students seeking transfer in years 8, 9, 10 and 11. 

Further details of this procedure and information to help you apply for a Year 7 secondary place within Plymouth can be found in the ‘Next Step Parents Guide’ which is available from the Plymouth City Council website  

The registration forms for this year's Real and Practice 11-plus examinations will go live here:


The 11+ Examination Process  

The 11-plus examinations will take place in September before the closing date for submission of the secondary application form for a year 7 school place. Parents / carers are required to register their child to take the 11-plus examination. Please see the "Timeline for 11+ Entry for September 2025" above for the next point of entry.

Students can take the examinations at either Plymouth High School for Girls or Devonport High School for Girls. They are the same examinations, taken on the same days. You can then apply for a place at either (or both) grammar schools, regardless of where the student took the test. E.g. A student could sit the examinations at DHSG but apply for a place at Plymouth High School for Girls

Applications for secondary school places in Plymouth for a September 2025 start must be made to Plymouth City Council by 31/10/24.  In order to apply for a place at either Plymouth High School for Girls, or DHSG, candidates must sit the 11-plus examination.  In order for the examination to be sat and results passed to parents, the 11-plus examinations are held in September. 

The grammar schools also run a mock 11-plus examination in the July prior to students sitting the real tests in September. This helps students familiarise themselves with the test and exam venues. 

The test papers are provided by GL assessment. GL Assessment have released free familiarisation materials on their website for parents and students who would like to see the layout prior to the main 11+ examinations, (see below): 


Our strategy to attract more students from disadvantaged backgrounds into Plymouth High School for Girls: 

We believe it is essential that everything possible is done to raise aspirations and provide support to families whose children are eligible for pupil premium funding within the education sector. We are keen to increase the number of children from disadvantaged backgrounds attending our grammar schools so that they can benefit from a selective education if it is the right choice for them. 
In addition to the free online guides and familiarisation resources offered by GL Assessment available above, we are offering girls, eligible for pupil premium funding, further support and are delighted to announce that we have funded an online course for them which has been put together by the Grammar School Heads’ Association. The course includes video content, practice questions and advice about taking the 11-plus assessment. There are 8 one-hour lessons available which children can work through independently. 
Our hope is that by working through the tasks online, students will become more familiar with the type of questions that they will be required to complete during the 11-plus assessment. 

If you are interested in being included in this programme of support, and your daughter is eligible for pupil premium funding, please email:

For further information regarding Pupil Premium, please click here.

Free 11+ Familiarisation Materials for Pupil Premium 

Plymouth High School for Girls is proud to be open to pupils from all backgrounds.

To encourage even greater representation of children at PHS, we work in partnership with Atom Learning, the leading online Key Stage 2 learning and 11+ preparation platform, to provide students who are eligible for pupil premium with free online learning and 11+ exam preparation. 

This programme is designed to help children master national curriculum objectives, familiarise them with the type of questions they may see on the test, and build exam technique and confidence. They'll be able to access practice questions, learning resources, practice papers and test materials through their Atom Home account.

If your child has been eligible for free school meals at any point in the last six years, please fill in the form by clicking the button below. They will be given free access to Atom Home when their pupil premium status has been verified by their primary school.


11+ Practice Examination 

Plymouth High School will be running a Practice 11-plus test on Saturday 6th July 2024. 

Registration will open from 3:00pm on 15th April 2024 and will close when all 170 places are filled or at 11.00am on 22 May 2024, whichever is the soonest.  

The cost of sitting the examination is £40.00. The online application form contains details about how to pay for the examination. Please note, it may take a few days for your payment to be acknowledged due to staff working days.

The results of the 11-plus Practice examination results will be emailed by the end of the summer term 2024.  

Please note:  

  • You do not have to take the Practice 11-plus examination in July in order to take the real 11-plus examination in September.  
  • Registration for the Practice 11-plus examination does not automatically register your child for the real 11-plus examination. There is a separate registration process for each. 

In Year Admissions - Key Stages 3 & 4 (Years 7 – 11) 

In-year admissions are made via an application through Plymouth City Council and the satisfactory completion of a school-set admissions test to clarify candidates’ ability and aptitude.  

Plymouth High School’s published admission number (PAN) for each year group is 120.  There may be places available for students seeking transfer in years 8, 9, 10 and 11. 

Key Stage 5 (Sixth Form) 

Plymouth High School for Girls welcomes applications from students transferring from other schools.  Applications should be made direct to the school by the end of the Autumn Term. The admission arrangements apply equally to those seeking admission from year 11 within the school to those seeking transfer from other schools. 

Acceptance into the Sixth Form is by interview and by fulfilment of the general requirements of an overall average point score at GCSE of 6 or higher from the student’s best 8 GCSEs (including at least a 6 grade in Maths and English). In addition, for subject specific entry requirements, students will require a minimum grade of a 6 for the subjects they wish to study. If a student narrowly misses out on achieving an average point score of 6 but does however achieve a 6 or above in the subjects they wish to study, we will look at each case on an individual basis. For specific entry requirements, please see the Sixth Form prospectus or contact the school on 03333 602230. 

The Sixth Form Prospectus and application forms to apply to join the sixth form, can be found on our Prospectus Page

Virtual Tour of the School

We have created an open day webpage, which provides a virtual tour of the school offering visitors the opportunity to familiarise themselves with the grounds.

Please click on the button below to start our general virtual tour.