Personal, Social, Health Education
Plymouth High school has always prided itself on its pastoral provision, and care of students, this is synonymous with our robust PSHE and Citizenship programme. Our school motto of “For life, not school, we learn” is central to our PSHE and Citizenship curriculum. Our programme is designed to educate and inform our students about the world around them and how to take care of themselves and others, think critically and contribute to the wider world. It is our intent to make “lifelong PSHEer’s” for them to have interest in the wider world and what it means to be part of humanity and a global citizen. It is our responsibility to reliably inform students with accurate up to date information to allow them to assess risk and make decisions.
“Personal, Social, Health and Economic (PSHE) education is a school subject through which pupils develop the knowledge, skills and attributes they need to manage their lives, now and in the future. These skills and attributes help pupils to stay healthy, safe and prepare them for life and work in modern Britain”
PSHE Association
Our citizenship education develops the knowledge, skills and understanding that pupils need to play a full part in society as active and responsible citizens. Pupils learn about politics, parliament and voting as well as human rights, justice, the law and the economy. They also learn the skills of active citizenship and take part in many enrichment opportunities such as mock elections, Model United Nations Debates and debates on current, often controversial issues.