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Bursary Fund

Guidance on the 16-19 Bursary Fund

The 16-19 bursary dun is a scheme to help young people facing financial hardship to stay in full time education.

How much will young people receive?

Those most in need will be eligible for a bursary of £1,200 a year. This includes young people in care and care leavers.

Who can get a bursary?

Plymouth High School for Girls run a joint scheme with other schools & academies within the local area.  This is made up of two parts:

Guaranteed Bursaries

This is for:

  • Young people in care,
  • Care leavers,
  • Young people receiving Income Support or Universal Credit in their own name, and
  • Disabled young people receiving both Employment Support Allowance and Disability Living Allowance (or Personal Independence Payments) in their own name

Discretionary Bursaries

Other students who need support to help them to stay in education or training may also be able to receive funds. Bursaries are awarded to students in the following groups:

  • Students claiming Free School meals
  • Students living in Households with income below £32,000

How and when are payments made?

A simple application form will be available from the bottom of this page or form the Sixth Form Office.  Bursaries are paid directly in to your bank account over the school year depending on continued attendance and behaviour. If you do not attend or your behaviour is poor you may not receive all or any of that month’s bursary.

Details of this scheme are on the Plymouth City Council website. Similar schemes are being designed by the local FE Colleges. You can obtain details from City College Plymouth and Arts University Plymouth.