Plymouth High School Association
This Association has existed for over a hundred years and retains strong links with the school today. It is committed to maintaining contact with all past students and staff through social events and the school web site. At present there are about 260 members, some of whom visit to support our careers department today. Alumni are an important way of inspiring our current students.
Social events and an Annual General Meeting are opportunities to meet, hear news about the school today, as well as reminiscing and raising funds for the school enabling prizes and equipment to be donated which enhance the school environment. Tours of the school can also be arranged, for example the class of 1979 recently spent an afternoon seeing the school at work, and entertaining us by singing the school song. If you wish to join please complete the contact form below or contact school.
Personal memories of the school days from World War Two to the present day have been collected, collated and published in booklet form. These booklets can be obtained from the committee. The committee has also been involved in transferring a large collection of memorabilia to the Plymouth and West Devon Record Office. The records include registers, reports, diaries, photographs, magazines and albums. Life stories and memories are always fascinating for our current girls to hear about. Click here for some examples
The school continues to collect memories and souvenirs of your time at PHSG and these are used for occasional displays during the school year. We welcome donations of documents, photographs or even items of old uniform. If you wish to donate anything to our collection please do contact us.
The member of staff designated as the PHSG link to the Plymouth High School Association Miss S Joynes Telephone 033 33 602230 for more information.
Would you be interested in giving a “career talk” to current PHSG students?
We would love to hear from you
Please contact Heather Longford, Careers and Work Experience Coordinator:
Role | Name | |
Chairman | Sandra Martin | |
Secretary | Emily Todd | |
Membership secretary | Vacant | |
Treasurer | Sue Biddle | |
Committee Member | Karen Rowsell | |
Committee Member | Jane Huxham | |
Staff Representative | Shellie Joynes |
Get in Touch
If you would like to become a member of the Plymouth High School Association, please send the completed form below to: