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Attendance and Absence

By law, all schools are required to keep an attendance register, and all pupils must be placed on this register.

The attendance policy can be found here.

Student Absence:

Parents must notify the school on the first day and each subsequent day of an unplanned absence – for example, if their child is unable to attend due to ill health – by 8.30am or as soon as practically possible.

Telephone number: 033 33 602230  Email:

Parents should ring the main school phone number and report their child’s absence to the Attendance Improvement Coordinator together with the reason.

If a child is absent for longer than 3 days due to ill health, medical evidence is required for the school to authorise the absence. Medical evidence may be any of the following:

  • Hospital discharge letter
  • Note from your GP
  • Copy of your appointment card from your GP
  • Copy of the prescription or copy of the medication label
  • Evidence of an e-consult outcome
  • Note from a pharmacist
  • Note from any other healthcare professional (e.g. physiotherapist, optician, podiatrist etc)


Pupils must arrive at school by 8.40am on each school day.

Lateness is actively discouraged and students who are frequently late will receive an appropriate sanction. A structured system of sanctions is devised by the Headteacher with senior staff and is reviewed annually.

Where lateness to school, or lessons, becomes persistent, the Attendance Improvement Coordinator will advise the tutor and Head of Year and the parents will be contacted.

Medical or Dental Appointments

We encourage parents to make medical and dental appointments out of school hours where possible. Where this is not possible, the pupil should be out of school for the minimum amount of time necessary.

Missing registration for a medical or dental appointment is counted as an authorised absence; advance notice is required for authorising these absences. Proof of the appointment will be requested.

Parents should notify the school in advance of a medical or dental appointment by emailing the absence email address: and reporting the planned absence to the attendance officer with the reason.

Students must sign out at reception before being collected by parents for any appointment during the school day, and should sign in again if they return during the school day. 

Applications for other types of absence in term time must also be made in advance.

Term Time Leave of Absence

Any applications for leave in term time must be made in writing to the Head Teacher. There is no automatic right to term time leave of absence, and your request is likely to be declined except in the most exceptional circumstances. Each application will be considered on its own merit, and the attendance record(s) of the child/ren concerned will be taken into account when making a decision.

As a school we prioritise teaching and learning, therefore, in accordance with the local and National guidelines, Plymouth High School does not authorise holidays during term time.

In the case of all unauthorised leave of absence, incurring 10 or more unauthorised sessions (5 days), an application for a Fixed Penalty Notice will be made to the local authority. From February 2004, new measures introduced in the Anti-Social Behaviour Act 2003 have made it possible that certain cases of unauthorised absence from school amounting to 10 sessions (5 days) can be dealt with by way of a Penalty Notice. These Penalty Notices require the recipient to pay a fine of £80 if paid within 21 days, or £160 if paid within 28 days. Failure to pay the Penalty Notice will result in prosecution in the Magistrates Court. Penalty notices will be issued to each parent/ carer that resides with the child.

The new Exceptional Circumstances Leave of Absence Request form can be downloaded below or collected from the school office. 




Good attendance and punctuality are basic to success.

For Life, Not School, We Learn’

PHSG firmly believe that all students benefit academically and socially from outstanding school attendance leading to positive life chances in the future.

PHSG have high expectations to ensure our students achieve maximum possible attendance and any barriers to learning that prevent full attendance are immediately identified and acted upon.

Expected attendance is 96% or above. 1 session is half a school day.

OUR EXPECTATIONS – STUDENTS:  We expect students to attend:

  •  Regularly
  •  Punctually.  In tutor time by 8.40am.
  •  Ready to Learn: appropriately prepared for the day

It is important for your progress that you attend school.

If you are feeling unwell during the school day you need to seek First Aid in AO1 for permission to go home,

PARENT / CARER:  We expect that all parents/carers who have day to day responsibility for the child will:

  • Encourage regular school attendance and be aware of their legal responsibilities;
  • Ensure that the child/children in their care arrive at school punctually, prepared for the school day;
  • Contact the school Attendance Improvement Coordinator, on 033 33 602230 before 8.30am on the morning of each day of the student's absence.  You should explain the full reason for the absence.


We will ask for medical evidence to be provided for any period of absence that exceeds three days.

We request that Routine Medical Appointments are not arranged during school time.