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Head Student Team Assembly

In a heartfelt and timely assembly held this week in Newman Hall, our inspiring Head Student Team addressed the crucial topics of exam pressures and student wellbeing. With assessments scheduled at the end of the school term, the assembly aimed to equip students with strategies to manage stress and maintain a healthy balance between academic demands and personal wellness.

The assembly opened with a warm welcome from the Head Student Team, who emphasised the importance of taking time for oneself and recognising the unique qualities that make each individual special. Their message was clear: while exams are important, self-care and individuality should never be overlooked.

Verity on the Benefits of Exercise:

Verity discussed the physical and mental health benefits of regular exercise. "Exercise is not just about staying fit," she explained. "It's a great way to relieve stress and improve your mood. Whether it's a quick jog, a dance session, or a yoga class, moving your body can make a huge difference in how you feel, especially during exam periods."

Kitty on the Joys of Being Outdoors:

Kitty took to the stage to share her insights on the positive impact of spending time outdoors. "Nature has a way of grounding us," she said. "Taking a walk in the park, hiking, or just sitting outside can help you feel more connected and at peace. It's a simple way to recharge and find balance amidst the pressures of school life."

Ellathea on the Power of Music:

Ellathea concluded the presentations by speaking about the therapeutic power of music. "Music is a way of escaping," she said. "Whether I'm listening to my favourite songs or playing my ukulele, it helps me relax and clear my mind. I encourage everyone to find their musical outlet, whether it's singing, playing an instrument, or just listening to music that makes you happy."

The assembly not only provided practical advice but also fostered a sense of community amongst the students. The Head Student Team reminded everyone that taking time for oneself is not just beneficial, but essential. They encouraged peers to support one another, share their own techniques which help them relax, and remember that they are not alone in facing exam pressures. The assembly served as a timely reminder of the importance of personal wellbeing.

The efforts of Verity, Kitty, Ellathea and the entire Head Student Team were widely appreciated, showcasing the leadership and empathy that define PHSG's community. Their commitment to the wellbeing of their peers underscores the school’s dedication to fostering a supportive and nurturing environment, and where support for students is always available.