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Students challenge our 'cream of the crop' in the PHSG Beat the Teacher event.

The PE Department ran a beat the teacher event at lunchtime this week to raise money for trophies for the annual sports leaders awards coming up in July. The students took on challenges against the teachers to win the opportunity to sponge them if they could beat them!

The activities included a timed bean bag throw, the best of three netball shots, the longest handstand and a knot tying competition, amongst others. The students really enjoyed the activities and the thought of being able to sponge a teacher was a great motivator.

The PE Department would like to thank our brilliant student teachers, Miss May and Miss LeGrice, for organising the event and Mr Thackray and Mr Law, for getting involved in all the activities.

We will also be running a raffle on the night of the sports awards, so would welcome donations of prizes please. Email Mrs Goolden if you are able to help on