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Curriculum Enrichment Week 2025: Booklet Now Available

We are excited to announce that the Curriculum Enrichment Week 2025 booklet has been emailed to all parents this week. The booklet provides detailed information about the trips and activities planned for Curriculum Enrichment Week, offering students a range of exciting opportunities to enrich their learning and experiences.

Students and parents are required to review the booklet and complete the booking form, selecting preferred choices for the trips and activities. Please ensure your child submits their form by the appropriate deadline:

  • Year 9: Hand in form to your tutor by Wednesday, 6th November at 9am
  • Year 8: Hand in form to your tutor by Friday, 8th November at 9am
  • Year 7: Hand in form to your tutor by Monday, 11th November at 9am

A link to the booklet and booking form can also be found here. 

Please note: Forms cannot be emailed to the school unless your child is absent on the day of the deadline due to illness.

We look forward to another fantastic Curriculum Enrichment Week and appreciate your timely submission of the booking forms!