PHSG Students join forces with NEU to boost Hands Up Project in Plymouth
This week, PHSG students met with committee member Alex Moore, from the National Education Union, to discuss a partnership with 'Hands Up Project' alongside other schools across the city.
Meeting Alex Moore, the district secretary of the National Education Union (NEU) Plymouth branch, has been an absolute pleasure.
Today, we discussed how best to move forward with our partnership with the Hands Up Project (HUP), looking to bring the wonder of poetry and drama to other schools in our area. Staff from Millbay Academy showed specific interest at the last NEU conference. He has brought more copies of 'moon tell me truth' for our library and enlarged the fundamental ideas that this project started with. After all, it was Alex Moore who began the association of the HUP in collaboration with the NEU around the UK, and for this we are grateful.
Discussing how we ended up working alongside and for the HUP, Mr Moore said that he was once a drama teacher, and he enjoyed encouraging young people to pick up the creative skills associated with drama. He met Nick Bilbrough (the founder of the HUP) whilst living in Totnes, and attended a meeting which showcased the work that the HUP was doing around the world.
As for myself, I became involved in the HUP after photographing a protest in the city centre for my GCSE photography project. I was handed a leaflet by a volunteer, and from there my ideas have grown immeasurably. I'm grateful for the help that I've received from eager students and staff, alongside Nick, and the children of The Cairo Project in Egypt.
Non scholae sed vitae discimus- it is for life, not school we learn. This comes to mind often when I've been putting pieces together for my work, as the project offers not only a space for creativity, but a freedom to work on one's abilities, be it public speaking or engaging with creating poetry and plays. I can't wait to see what happens next!
By Emily H, Year 12