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PHSG Student and Class of the week

Student of the week: Nieve & Megan, 8K. ''Being really helpful and acting as runners for me during registration and p1 to solve some issues.'' Nominated by Miss Barnett. Awarded 10 House Points. 
Class of the week: Junior House Captains: Katie, Amelie, Maya & Darcy. ''For being the most fabulous student interview panel when only being year 9 JHC. (Usually the interview panel is year 10 Student Leaders.) They were polite, confident and engaging.'' Nominated by Miss Barker. 

Other nominations:


Ayva 9L, ''For a concerted improvement in focus and engagement in English. Both in Literature and creative writing, Ayva has demonstrated a keen desire to do well and it is really paying off. A great PHSG attitude.'' Nominated ny Miss Readey.

Lucien & Andrea, Year 12. ''For a great performance in their Micro Mock exam in Economics, showing fantastic improvement from last year.'' Nominated by Mrs Carter.

Sophia, 11FRN. ''For her hard work producing her CAD files for the practical element of the course.'' Nominated by Mr Watson.

Freya, Y10. ''Continued hard work in class every single week''. Nominated by Mr Graves. 

Annabelle, 8L. ''For consistent hard work in class and a mature approach to communication.'' Nominated by Mr Underdown. 

Adesuwa, 8K. ''For getting 100% in both her French and German grammar tests on formation and use of the future tense.'' Nominated by Mrs Gilchrist.


Year 10 Leadership students. ''Year 10 leadership students for representing the school at a recent leadership event run by the PSSP. The organisers said the students were incredible and ran some excellent sessions and umpired with professionalism and knowledge.'' Nominated by Mrs Clews.

10H2 class with Mrs Hatfield. ''excellent practical skills during titration lessons''

7T Tutor Group. ''Really impressing the visiting speakers with their excellent questions and engagement''. Nominated by Mrs Banks.

8D Music Class with Mrs Marcer. ''For outstanding creativity and ensemble group work in their Musical Theatre lesson.''

Tegan and Kitty, Year 12. ''For supporting the DT team and advertising GCSE Textiles at the open evening when I could not unfortunately be there with WAN''. Nominated by Mrs Young. 

8C MFL (French and German) with Mrs Gilchrist. ''For great improvement in word order in the future tense of French and German and learning the conjugations of the future tense verbs''. 

Year 12 Law Class with Mrs Findlay. ''For an excellent set of results for a challenging statutory interpretation assessment.''