PHSG Student and Class of the week
Student of the Week: Grace, 8T. ''For producing an outstanding RS essay on women in religion and society, an inspirational read, making excellent use of all our class work and discussions.'' Nominated by Mrs Banks. Awarded 10 House points.
Class of the Week: 12 Product Design Class ''For always being present in every zoom lesson and completing fantastic work representing us to our industry visitors.'' Nominated by Miss Westaway
Other nominations:
Student of the week
Eva D, 7A. ''For always being so polite, trying her best and asking for help when she needs it.'' Nominated by Miss Yarwood. Awarded 5 House points.
Ciana, 9L in Miss Boyle's Geography class .''For producing an amazing fact sheet about insects being a viable food source for the future - yum!''. Awarded 5 House points.
Eva T, 7A. ''For putting in a tremendous amount of effort into her Reincarnation mind map in RS and achieving a brilliant grade''. Nominated by Mrs Banks. Awarded 5 House points.
Lucy, 10ROP. ''For working so hard in GCSE PE whilst coping with difficult circumstances at home. Lucy always emails to keep me up to date and has managed to submit all work on time and attend all lessons.'' Nominated by Mrs Goolden. Awarded 5 House points.
Zara, Year 9. ''Despite a challenging year, Zara continues to produce super work and stay on top of everything''. Nominated by Miss Tomlain. Awarded 5 House points.
Class of the week
Year 12 French class with Mrs Carter. ''For excellent participation in Zoom discussion, beautiful spoken French and insightful ideas''.
Year 11 German class. ''For always being positive and happy to work. Always engaged and working really well.'' Nominated by Mrs Walsh.
Year 13 Maths with Miss Roughton. ''Participation in zoom lessons is very good. Lots of good Q&A sessions. Great at submitting work on time and to a very good standard.''