Year 10 DofE - Sign up for Silver DofE

Year 10 students who have completed their Bronze DofE are now eligible to sign up for the next challenge – Silver DofE.
Spaces are going quickly, so to reserve your child’s place, please do the following;
- Complete and return the Silver DofE Enrolment Form that your child has been emailed.
- Make the Silver DofE Registration Fee payment of £24 on ParentPay as soon as possible – preferably by Friday 14th October. It is under the following heading on ParentPay ‘ DofE Silver Registration Fee Year 10 2022’.
Once the above tasks are completed, your child’s edofe account will show access to their Silver DofE – they can then plan and submit their three activity sections to me (Volunteering/Physical and Skill) for me to approve. Further details will then be given out about the Silver Expedition next year.
Mr Payne - DofE Manager (