SPARX Year 11 Success
Year 11 have been completing their independent learning in a different way all year with overwhelming success on the new SPARX platform.
We have been extremely proud of the way that the year 11's have adapted and embraced the challenge of getting 100% correct each week and as a year group they have appeared in the top 10 of the national SPARX leader board 3 times already this school year.
Within school prizes are available weekly for individuals for XP points as well as whole classes for all scoring 100%. 11p1 have been the most successful class this term and special mentions go to Lexie H and Rebecca E who have both accrued over 10,000 XP points each.
The XP points and helpful videos mean that overall doing your Maths homework seems like a task I can definitely do each week
The games are a fun reward at the end but mostly it feels like I have really understood the topics without getting stressed
SPARX will play a vital part in supporting all of year 11 with their weekly revision homework in the new year and we look forward to celebrating the successes of all students meeting their 100% target every Wednesday again from January 4th.