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Yarn Club

Every Friday lunchtime, A27, with Mrs Brownbridge. Open to all year groups. No need to book, just turn up.

Please bring lunch with you and a project to work on if you want to. If you are an absolute beginner, do not fear, the group have plenty of resources to get you started. 

Knitting and crocheting is a method in which yarn is manipulated to create a textile or fabric and used to make many types of garments and keepsakes. The earliest known examples of knitting dates back to the Egyptian era and the skill is still going strong in the 21st century.

There are many benefits to knitting, other than the finished product of course. It is known to have the same benefits as meditation. It helps with concentration, co-ordination, reduces depression and anxiety. You may have seen Plymouth's Tom Daly using knitting to relax during the Olympics!