To aid the return of misplaced items, please ensure that all items are labelled with the student’s name.
Trutex stocks and supplies our uniform. Their contact details are: Unit 3, Sugarmill Retail Park, Billacombe Road, PL9 7HT. 01752 491353. Or visit their website: https://plymouthonlinestore.trutex.com/store/
Uniform, Year 7-11
- Plain outdoor coat, not a hoodie, jersey or denim jacket.
- Compulsory: PHSG plaid pleated skirt which must be knee length or longer.
- Navy trousers (supplied by Trutex) are an alternative to the skirt.
- Compulsory: PHSG Plain navy tailored jacket with school badge on breast pocket.
- Optional: PHSG plain navy pullover with v neck and long sleeves with school badge.
- White blouse with revere neck, long or short sleeved, must be tucked in.
- Tights should be navy blue, black or beige. White or navy non-branded socks may be worn if preferred.
- Flat shoes in plain black, navy or dark brown (not tan), a lace-up style is preferred. Trainers or trainer style shoes, canvas shoes or ankle boots are NOT permitted. Please ensure that shoes are in a style which will be safe on stone stairs. Please be aware that some manufacturers label such shoes as "school shoes", but if they look like trainers they are not part of PHSG school uniform.
PE Uniform.
- PHSG Sports shirt.
- PHSG Skirt or shorts.
- White / navy or black socks.
- Trainers.
- PHSG Sports long sleeved all weather top. Navy blue leggings.
Uniform Swap Shop
Uniform Swap Shop and Second-hand Uniform Sales
We are pleased to announce the launch of a Uniform Swap Shop at Plymouth High School for Girls.
Proceeds of the sales will be put back into our school. Any second-hand uniform we cannot use will go to charity to be recycled, nothing goes to landfill.
The Swap Shop will be student led, but overseen by the PTFA. They can also take enquiries about availability and sizes etc by email at phs-pta@tsatmail.org.uk
We will not accept donations of any second-hand white shirts. We will, however, accept donations of the uniform as follows:
- Blazer - Eco David Luke
- Skirt - Trutex
- Jumper - Trutex badged
- PE shorts – SWI with white piping
- PE skort – SWI with white piping
- PE long-sleeved top (optional) - Aptus
- PE short-sleeved top - Aptus
- Plain navy leggings/tracksuit bottoms
So, if your child is growing at the rate of knots, or needs an item of uniform they don’t have, you may wish to enquire about the pre-loved uniform we have at school, to swap one for one or buy.
(Prices on request).
Please get in touch
Students in Year 7 to 11 may wear a single stud earring in the lobe of one or both ears. No other piercings are permitted.
A watch may be worn, but no other form of jewellery can be worn, including rings, bracelets and necklaces.
If a student wears any non-permitted piercing to school, they will be asked to remove it.
Make-up, Nails and Lashes.
Make-up may be worn to cover blemishes, but must be of a subtle nature. Nail varnish must not be worn. Nails must be worn at a length no longer than the tip of the finger on health and safety grounds. No acrylic nails or gels. No false eyelashes of any kind are permitted.
Hair must be a natural colour and cut in an acceptable style. Hair accessories, if worn, should be plain navy, black, brown, beige, blonde or white.
No aerosols of any kind, i.e. deodorants, hairspray etc. are permitted in school as they may trigger asthma attacks in other students.